Pet owners are usually quick to say that their dog or cat is like a member of their family. How can it seem otherwise? Pets offer so much to the people who have them, including a sense of loyalty, companionship, and protectiveness from unwanted strangers. If you are a pet owner, then you are probably familiar with the joy and comfort that having a pet can bring. However, one nuisance about having a pet can sometimes be the lingering scent of pet odor or even a stain on your carpet that was caused by your beloved pet. The carpet cleaning professionals at ProDry Floor Care are here to help you with the removal of pet odors and stains associated with your pet. Information can be found here.
Did you know that dogs can have about 20 different species of bacteria existing in their mouths? This number is minimal compared to the millions of bacteria that can be found in a dog’s fecal matter. As wonderful as a dog is to have around your home, every dog brings some mess into a home and onto your carpets. For example, dogs can leave saliva, urine, feces, dander, or dirt on your carpet, and these substances promote pet odors and sometimes pet stains from forming. The experts at ProDry Floor Care have the experience, tools, and knowledge to help you alleviate unpleasant pet odors and remove unattractive pet stains from your carpet. See here for information about Spot And Stain Removal In West Chester
Pro-Dry Floor Care
9511 Eastbrook Drive, West Chester, OH 45069
(513) 479-1291